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Design & Engineering

Any Organization’s competency and competitiveness lies in its core strength of design & engineering. A quality design drives the component towards its safety, reliability, ease of manufacturing and economy. A quality design also drives on time completion of construction. RCE supports Code based design of critical equipment, piping and structures for Nuclear power plants and Process industries. Key components are nuclear steam generators and reactor core components, heat exchangers, pressure vessels, storage tanks, as well as structural assemblies for all the industries.
  • Professional Engineering Services
  • Nuclear Steam Generator Design
  • Engineering Services
  • Piping Analysis
  • Design Audit
  • Interactive Training Courses
  • ASME Code Interpretation
  • Design of 3D Print Parts
  • Design Automation

Professional Engineering Services

RCE provides professional engineering services for domestic and intenational clients associated with the evaluation of Code based design of pressure boundary components. Design and manufacturing drawings for pressure boundary components are certified with a professional engineering stamp for Nuclear Steam Generators, Reactor Core components, Pressure Vessesls & Heat Exchangers for Nuclear Power and Process industries. Bithika Basu is a certified International Professional Engineer and services of other professional engineers are also available on need basis.

Nuclear Steam Generator Design

Engineering Services

Piping Analysis

Design Audit

Interactive Training Courses

ASME Code Interpretation

Design of 3D Print Parts

Design Automation

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